online reservation

Web Booking Engine – B2B and B2C Portals

Hotel Bookings today are driven by a whole suite of online travel web sites as well as hotel booking sites which enable the customer to book a room for their travel. Unlike the old days where hotel bookings were done primarily via the phone, this has today evolved to the world wide web and online bookings. Ubicomp has develop a next-generation booking engine which allows hotels to publish inventory onto the web for online bookings with both B2B and B2C capabilities.

With ubiquitous computing in mind, the whole reservations experience can be enriched by enhancing the capabilities provided by the booking engine and also with integration of the QIKINN© services. In the case, access to the booking engine is first expanded to the use of mobile devices such as smart phones and PDA’s, tablet PC’s and other similar devices. Furthermore, with the services
available within QIKINN© the ability to communicate with the customer is now possible, whilst the customer is making a choice of products available or wishes to further enhance their experience during the hotel stay. This opens up new revenue generations opportunities for hotels while in the case of the customer, the ease of making bookings and also the flexibility in doing so enables a whole new experience for them.